Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Little History

I believe that there are pivotal moments that have shaped my optimistic outlook. These moments have been with friends, with family, in my education and in my occupation. I also know that my faith in God helps me to find the good in all things because I serve a God who is good and He wants the best for me.

The first situation where I clearly remember trying to find the Silver Lining is after my parents divorced when I was just 10 years old. You may be thinking to yourself that there is no good that can come from a broken home, but that is not true. Now, when I was 10 I was not able to see the Silver Lining because, as an child would be, I was devastated at the loss of my home as I knew it. However, as the years passed and I started thinking about the career path I would choose, I found the Silver Lining. You see, I believe that everything happens for a reason and without the event of the divorce I may have never considered my career path. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a Child Mental Health Specialist, I have worked counseling children and families for a number of years. I distinctly remember being 15 and thinking that I want to be a counselor so that I can help other kids who have experienced divorce and all of the changes that it can bring. I completed my Master's Thesis on the Effects of Divorce on College Aged Students, it was fascinating, though that is a whole other blog!

Ultimately, an event that was life changing and difficult ended up prompting me to seek a career where I can empathize with children who have or will experience a parental divorce. If having the opportunity to help and encourage children is not a Silver Lining, then I don't know what is! :)

Think about what lead you to your career, is it a Silver Lining?

Introduction to Silver Lining

Hello and thank you for visiting Silver Lining! My name is Sherill and I hope to share inspirational stories with you about every day life that will encourage you and challenge you to find the Silver Lining in every situation!

When I was 18 I decided that I want to publish a book about finding the Silver Lining on the cloud and I may still do that, but this is a first step towards sharing my unique perspective with others with the goal of building faith, providing encouragement and sharing smiles!
